Better Bulbs?




Are CFLs really better than Incandescent Lamps?




The answer is YES.


If fossil fuel is used to power an incandescent bulb then it will emit more mercury into the environment than a single CFL which is recycled.

Low frequency AM is not used often in New Zealand and so interference from a CFL wouldn’t be as obtrusive as if it interfered with FM signals.


CFLs are better for the environment than incandescent lamps.

However there are alternatives to CFLs which may be even greener (see Further Reading on Light Emitting Diodes).


Because CFLs operate differently to incandescent lamps it is difficult to make an exact comparison.


It is up to the consumer to decide whether a CFL or an incandescent lamp is better suited to their need.


The following conclusions can be considered when making this decision:



Other Conclusions


  • CFLs are more energy efficient than incandescent lamps.

  • CFL’s are not suitable for all areas where lighting is needed.

  • The average retail price of a CFL is three times the price of an incandescent lamp however a CFL lasts longer.


  • Incandescent lamps are easier to recycle than CFLs. However because CFLs contain toxic chemicals they cannot be disposed of in landfills but incandescent lamps can be.

  • CFLs do cause radio interference on lower AM frequencies. Philips and Ecobulb-brand cause the most interference. The further away the bulb is from the radio the less Interference there will be.

  • The claims made on the packaging of bulbs are mostly accurate.

  • The mercury in CFLs is a problem if bulbs are disposed incorrectly, or are broken, because mercury has adverse effects on human health and the environment. People need to be educated about recycling CFLs before incandescent lamps are banned.



Better Bulbs?

Light/Cost Efficiency


Retail Prices


Radio Interference

Box Claims

“The Science Behind It”

Mercury/Phosphor Effects


Further Reading